
WPS EPA-Approved Train the Trainer Course


$35 Enroll

Full course description

Upon successful completion,this online Worker Protection Standard Train the Trainer (WPS TTT) will issue a certificate approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The  WPS Train The Trainer certificate will be mailed to you by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The course consists of seven modules, each module has a graded quiz, and student must complete all modules and score at least 70% on each graded quiz to earn a WPS Train the Trainer Certificate. We welcome you to enjoy this highly visual and interactive course designed to teach you how to comply with the WPS protections, and guidelines for teaching methodologies.

This course was designed by Cesar Asuaje, Regional Specialized Extension Agent, UF/IFAS, and Ricardo Davalos, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. For questions about the course, contact Cesar Asuaje (